Here are a list of FAQs that you may find useful. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact the Housing Office.

For a list of FAQs about major works, click here.

For a list of FAQs provided in the Homeowners’ handbook, click here.


Damp and Condensation

Properties from time to time may experience issues with damp and or condensation and as the seasons change it is important to look out for signs of damp and condensation. Condensation damp is caused when excess moisture in the air comes in to contact with cold surfaces. Other forms of damp are caused by water leaking through walls and can indicate structural or weatherproofing issues.

For further information on how to identify condensation and or damp, and ways in which you can both prevent or manage it, please read our Damp & Condensation information leaflet.




When can I report a nuisance?


A nuisance is any event that causes annoyance or bother to others. If you are experiencing nuisance from your neighrbour, you should report it to CETRA as soon as possible. We will try to resolve the issue and monitor the case to prevent it from reoccuring. Please note all reports to the office are confidential.

If you feel it is an emergency or there is any danger, call 999.